“The chief object of every golf architect or greenkeeper worth his salt is to imitate the beauties of nature so closely as to make his work indistinguishable from nature itself.”
A revolutionary
Wild Golf Design is committed to creating beautiful and engaging golf environments. Our experience provides us with the tools to excel not only in building traditional golf course features, but also in developing a resilient interface between the golf course and nature. By respecting and responding to natural processes, we build dynamic golf course features that reflect the character of the land, creating unique and memorable golfing experiences.
We seek to redefine the physical relationship that golf courses and golfers have with their environment. Incorporating low-impact construction methods, emphasizing native plant materials, and promoting regenerative management strategies allows our projects to evolve and improve with time. It is our belief that golf course sustainability is achieved only through a strong connectivity with the land and its natural systems.
We provide the services to create sustainable, engaging, timeless golf courses, and the long-range vision to help any golf course establish a resilient form in an unpredictable future environment.
“The site of a golf course should be there, not brought there. A featureless site cannot possibly be economically redeemed. Many an acre of magnificent land has been utterly destroyed by the steam shovel, throwing up its billows of earth, biting out traps and bunkers, transposing landmarks that are contemporaries of Genesis."
-Perry Maxwell

“Since Nature is the most sustainable ecosystem and since ultimately agriculture comes out of nature, our standard for a sustainable world should be nature’s own ecosystem.”
-Wes Jackson

Golf Course Master Planning, Strategic Golf Design, Ecosystems and Naturalization, Aesthetic Programming
Golf Course Features, Natural Hazards & Landforms, Native Plant & Grassland Restoration
Native Ecosystem Programming & Rehabilitation, Enhancing Golf Course Character, Holistic Management Strategies, In-House Golf Course Improvements
Soil Health
Grazing Systems, Soil Microbiology Enhancements, Carbon Sequestration
“When we build golf courses we are remodeling the face of nature, and it should be remembered that the greatest and fairest things are done by nature and the lesser by art, as Plato truly said.”

Robert E Nelson IV
P: 415.497.2090
E: wildgolfdesign@gmail.com
12 Park Court
Pinehurst, NC 28374
“All bunkers should have a rough, broken, uneven edge which gives the effect of coastal erosion.”